Monday, January 23, 2023

It's Movie Ratings Time...

Work was quiet this afternoon, so I was able to almost finish my packing: picking which bags, organizing things into them, etc. My back is none too pleased with me, so having a day between all the bending and carrying and the now-why-are-you-getting-on-the-floor activity and the actual traveling part of travel is a good thing.

I may blog tomorrow night. I may blog Wednesday night from the hotel in California. I may blog from Hawaii. Or I may vanish for two weeks. Who knows. As some of the writers I work with like to throw out the cliché, only time will tell.

I'll leave you with another good-sized batch of movie ratings. I just love these things. Thank you, Boston Globe, for letting your reviewers have this fun.

Blue nudity: is that better or worse than other colors?
Oh, dear, no animal death, please. Do note the "Starring" section, though, with donkeys and humans specified.
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln...
Oooh, no thank you, not for me!
Ah, I will vote no on this for me as well. Though the robot twerking is making me curious.
Violence, suicide ... permed cat?
Nothing that even called for the PG-13, eh?
Now that, I would see! An argument over semicolons is right up my alley.

Any of them sound good to you? Or amusingly bad?


  1. Permed. Cat.

    And then does the director get treated permifrostily by said cat?

    Have a great trip, let me know if I can wave hi when it comes down to the actual timing.

  2. Love of semicolons!! I mean, who doesn't have that?!

  3. I hope you have a wonderful trip!!!
    Oh man, I don't think I want to see any of those movies! I mean "disturbing content" sounds sufficiently vague that I don't know that I want to find out about that. (I had contemplated reading the book once then abandoned it for a slow start). And I guess "bloody post-assault scenes" falls outside of "disturbing content"?

  4. Animal death should be a warning in every movie!
