Can we get this clear?
Yes, I'm still kind of sick. (Cough, cough.) I went to work today, but that took all the energy I had, plus a little. I didn't even go to my stitch and bitch group tonight.
When you don't have the energy to sit and knit with friends...?And I know, I've been complaining about being sick for a few days now. Okay, five days if you count today, which I guess you do, right? (Cough.)
But still. This?

Yes, they are accepting applications for this
senior living community, and invited me,
by name (no "resident", oh no, my full name), to learn more. And although I can see at least 4 little layout errors on the card, they didn't even have the decency to make an egregious spelling error, so that I could mock them and feel a little better.
Though I must admit, now more than ever, I
do feel that I "need a helping hand", and who doesn't want a beautiful, new, affordable apartment? But they only tease; you know that if I tried to apply, they would reject me out of hand, simply because I am only 40.
At least it doesn't say, "You're pre-approved!"
So yeah, being sick isn't helping my mood, that card didn't help my mood, and the weather, ye gods. I left work tonight to a driving mist, which sounds kind of odd but really, that's what it was. When I stopped to get gas (fueling the car in the rain being preferable to running out), the stuff was almost perfectly horizontal, which might have been more neat if it wasn't so ... damp. The station did have a canopy, but really those only help with nearer-vertical precipitation.
The DJ on the radio station quipped that on this second day of summer, isn't it lovely out? Then muttered what sounded like,
will it ever end? Later, he said that the forecast says sun by Wednesday, and 85 degrees Thursday, and "we'll see, I'll believe it when I see it." Amen, brother. Amen.
A high school friend's update on Facebook says, "Day 4 million of rain. The Ark is almost done, I hope I make it in time."
A final thought, related to neither my cold nor the weather. (I know, I can't believe it either.) On the way home tonight, I got cut off by someone who then slowed down, pulled over, and generally acted like he thought I wasn't going to let him in front of me. Since he was already in front of me,
having cut me off, I was frustrated by this behavior. You already cut me off, don't slow things down more!
Which got me to thinking, I prefer my scofflaws to be competent. Around here, they are, more often than not. I've said before that at least in Boston, if a driver hits you, it's usually because he meant to.
But am I weird that I prefer it that way?