I had planned to write at least a brief post last night, headed "Day One: MA to NB". However, by the time we found a motel room, it was 10 PM (Atlantic time, but still), and I was waaayyyy too tired to do anything but remove my contacts and fall into bed. Let's just say that even with a sleep aid, I don't usually sleep for eleven hours, but I needed it.
Most of yesterday was great, in fact, it was just the last two hours of mist/fog/complete lack of visibility in the increasing darkness, with inability to find food and bed, that were challenging-shall-we-say.
To prove my point, let me show you the pictures I took yesterday. Granted, I was driving much of the day, and we were eager to get going, so I didn't stop for a few fun things (like the alpaca outside the alpaca store, or the sign outside a store in Maine that listed their items for sale: gasoline, dried beans, Maine books). Still, a rare day on a trip includes so few photos, and so many of them being fast-food related.
We stopped at a rest area and had lunch at Burger King. Someone showed unexpected whimsy at the drink machine:

Coke pairs well with... I love it.
Dinner, unfortunately, was a McDonald's, since it was open. In the US, the golden arches are unadorned, but not so in Canada:
Also, the quarter pounder is bilingual.
So was the side of the french fry package, but I didn't get a clear shot of that. Sorry.
So that was yesterday. Today was much less wearisome, though not much more photographed. In fact, it's mostly the restaurant where we had dinner, Sims Corner Steakhouse, which was lovely.
The chicken-stuffed chicken was delicious, and beautifully plated:
The creme brulee, on the other hand, did not last long enough to be photographed. It was everything a creme brulee should be. Mmm.
And now I must go to bed. More later from the land of vacation, otherwise known as
What Day Is It Again? Doesn't matter.