It's hardly news, in the US at least, that the country is almost universally going through a massive heat wave. Has this news, and our endless whining about it, gone around the world? Well, trust me, it's hot, it's humid, and it's almost bad enough for me to start complaining about being hot. (Not quite, though.)(I'm grateful for air-conditioning, even if I don't always use it: I'm using it quite a bit.)
How hot is it, you ask? Well, at 8 this morning, on my way to work, it was already above 80, and highly humid.
After work, I started the car and the thermometer registered 108. Now, it always starts out higher than the actual temp and drops, so I laughed a little and said well, it's not quite that hot! And wondered what it would drop to.

By the time I got home, it was all the way down to 100.
So, yes. It's hot. What's really been killing me, though, is trying to dress for it while simultaneously dressing for work in a too-cold-for-me office.
My ideal outfit for the super-hot weather: a sleeveless shirt or tank top, shorts or a skirt or at most (lightweight) capris, and bare feet (with flip-flops or sandals for going out of the house).
My ideal outfit for the office's climate: a short-sleeved shirt under a long-sleeved shirt (with a sweater handy), non-lightweight slacks, wool socks, closed shoes.
I can, of course, wear a sleeveless shirt as my first layer, and then take the other layer(s) off outside--in fact, that's what I have been doing. It's the lower half of the body that causes problems, and make me think about bringing a blanket to work.
If I wear capris or a skirt to work, my legs get really cold, and if I wear sandals, my feet freeze. But in long pants and closed shoes, as soon as I step outside, I'm melting! The last two days, when I reached the car after work, I removed my socks and shoes and rolled up my pant legs, to alleviate the worst of it, but I may just bring shorts to work and change at the end of the day instead. It's crazy.
Now, here are some sights seen on the road.
What would surprise you more: seeing a Lotus?

Or seeing it turn into the parking lot of a White Hen Pantry? Lotus drivers go to convenience stores?
Visualize world peace --> visualize whirled peas --> visualize grilled cheese?

Someday, the world will have clickable spots around things, so you can learn what the story is for those oddball custom license plates.
Perhaps this person really, really likes
Ray Bourque ... and sleep?

I don't know what Disney charges for a Mickey Mouse outline to put on your car, but apparently someone wasn't willing to pay.

Despite the enormous amount of advertising all over this car, my eye went to the plate first, and I thought, "Playboy?"

I don't say it's logical ... but that's what I thought.
Now, this is completely random, but I was looking back through the pictures, and found a couple of short videos I took when I was trying out the camera's video capabilities. I probably put these up at the time, but who doesn't want to see them again? I thought so.
Miri, looking deceptively friendly, even purring:
And my Harold: