Meanwhile, yesterday's hunt went well. I have shoes:

And I know they go with the outfit, since I wore it shopping. (I didn't want there to be any question about length of the dress, etcetera.) They're pretty comfortable, and they were on sale: score! There were actually two pair I liked equally, and having ruled out any other decision-making factors like fit, comfort, how well they went with the outfit, or what else they could be worn with, I got these because they were less expensive (or more on sale). I'll start wearing them around the house here and there, then to work, to get my feet used to them before the trip.
What else did I get? (Besides Chick-fil-A for lunch, and Haagen Dazs for a pick-me-up?) Well, uncharacteristically, this:

Yup. That's make-up.
I know, me? But, first off, I'm willing to wear a little for special events*, and second, some of that in the picture was the free bonus stuff. We really just bought this:

*I did in fact already own some, which I bought for my cousin's wedding. In 2005. (Having just done that math, I threw it out today. I understand you're not supposed to keep the stuff that long.)
And my friend assures me that I can just do the "it's not really foundation, it's more like tinted moisturizer" and the undereye concealer, and don't have to use the lip gloss, eyeshadow, and blush.
Though we bought them anyway. You know. Just in case.
I'll have to play around with it before I go, to get used to the idea. I'm never going to be a makeup-every-day person, but I guess I could wear it more often than almost never.
Actually, I did have a somewhat bad makeup-related experience ten years ago. I was in another cousin's wedding, which was an overall wonderful experience by the way, and a problem relative* (doesn't everyone have at least one of those?) told me OVER and OVER again how Wonderful I looked with makeup on. In fact, since I was wearing a dress someone else chose, with my hair done by someone else, and makeup professionally done, it wasn't so much of a compliment to me, but to the committee. One iteration I could have smiled through and dismissed, but when she Kept saying it, well, I think it cemented my already strong feeling of comfort with not wearing makeup.
*I'd like to add that she's a relative by marriage, though I'm not sure why I want that to be clear. I adore other relatives by marriage, and am tepid at best to certain blood relatives, so what does it matter? I don't know. My mind works in mysterious ways, when it works at all. Moving on.
Now, a final word from Knitting. I know I've been saying for a while now that the first of the Banish February socks is almost done, but here's how much yarn is left:

Yes, I believe tomorrow night's stitch and bitch may see its end. Maybe. No promises.