Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happiness is Yarn

There's nothing for uplifting the spirits like coming home to find a gift of yarn in the mail!

Recently I won a blog contest, and if there was no other reason to read knitter's blogs (and there are many reasons), that would be enough! Thank you, Clumsy Knitter!

The lighting wasn't the best, but I went ahead anyway. Thus the photos above are too light, while the one below is too dark. I mean, it doesn't look like the same yarn, does it?

The outside of the skein is on the darker side, but still, that's ridiculous. Perhaps this weekend I will take advantage of better lighting. After all, I finished something else last night, and it needs its 15 minutes of fame!

Meanwhile, there is this yarn. Good colors, and soft! You know I'm a sucker for soft. I think I have to go play with it now.


  1. Ooooh, pretty! I thought it was Noro at first. Any plans for it yet?

  2. It's the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of yarn! I like the "Knit, Smile, Relax. Repeat" label. Congrats, winner!
