Thursday, June 22, 2023

Of Headaches

So many times recently, I have expressed my discontent with the different systems for human bodies and cars.

If my car has a problem, I take it to the mechanic, he plugs it in, and the computer tells him what's wrong.

If I have a problem, I go to the doctor, we discuss this and that, try this and that, can't tell what is causing an issue and can't tell what makes it better ... it's insanely frustrating.

However, just because I can't tell what is causing a victory does not mean I won't celebrate a victory if it happens. To wit:

  • From March 23 to April 22, I had a headache on 18 days.
  • From April 23 to May 22, I had a headache on 15 days.
  • From May 23 to June 22, I had a headache on 6 days.

How about that for an improvement! Also, though this isn't something I've tracked, I feel like it was less frequent that they were all-day headaches in the most recent month, whereas before, they often were. Either way, really, it's awesome.

Now, what caused the improvement? Any or all or none of these things:

  • The beta blocker that my PCP put me on.
  • One or both of the medicines that the ENT put me on, for fluid in my ear (now all better, yay).
  • Background hormonal BS that has subsided (for now, anyway).
  • Or who knows?

Don't get me wrong, I would like to know. So much I want to know! But since I can't plug myself into a computer and study the readout, I'll take what I have, which is drastically fewer headaches. 


  1. Firstly, YAY for having such a nice decline in the headache department! As someone who suffers from frequent headaches, I completely empathize. Also, it's SO HARD to know what the cause is! I find that so many things can be to blame: allergies, the wrong contact lens prescription, poor posture, lack of exercise. I feel like I have to get all the ingredients just right but I'm not really sure how much to measure of each!

    1. It can be very frustrating to figure out! When I get the absolute worst headaches (which happily I have not had for a couple of years now), I have such a strong feeling that if only I knew what to eat/drink/avoid, it would help. So not true!

  2. Oooh, that is a lot of headaches. That sounds really rough but I'm so glad they have improved! I get them very infrequently but my husband gets them all the time, and when I do get a headache I think "ahhh how does he LIVE like this?" It can really wreck your day.

    1. It can! For some years now, my poor mother has had headaches every day, and even I can't fathom trying to function with that. But as she says, what is her alternative?

  3. I am a migraine sufferer, and I went through all kinds of medications until the right one was found to cut back my headache days. My sympathies.

    1. You understand! There's nothing like a person who also has headaches to truly understand.
      I was at work once, years ago, and someone who was going home sick said, "It's the weirdest thing, my head hurts." I just stared at him. Like, this is weird? Have you never had a headache before?

  4. My husband gets a lot of migraines and has been through every treatment out there. They just started him on a new injectable and it has actually helped a great deal. No idea what it's called but I can ask.

  5. YES! I was having headaches SO OFTEN. We kept messing around with my BC, but you know what really helped me? Magnesium and vitamin B. That combo has made it so that having a headache (not migraines, just plain old head pounding headaches) is not just my default! I'm so glad you're doing better. It's so hard to figure it out.

    1. Interesting! I do take magnesium, but not B specifically.
