Friday, June 30, 2023

June Movie Ratings!

Another month, more amusing movie ratings from the Boston Globe!

Spider man, spider man...
So it's like a language lesson!
When fire and water mix...after reading the reviews for this one, I don't want to see it, which is a shame, I often really like animated movies.
Cussin'! Gettin' nekkid!
Naughty, naughty, and one star, oof.
That is saying something...but again, the reviews have not enticed me to want to see this one.

Seen any good movies lately?


  1. Someday, when they hire someone other than whoever that is to write their movie reviews, their entire readership will instantly know--and complain, because that person just has way too much fun while telling it like it is. They have The Right Stuff.

  2. I haven't been to the theater in years. I get too annoyed at other people's discourteous behaviour.

    I love these itty bitty reviews.

    1. The few times I've been in recent years, the theaters have been far from full, so it hasn't been too people-y, but I know what you mean. The ratings are fun to read anyway!

  3. These are so fun!

  4. Whoops, that was me :) I'm having trouble with the blogspot blogs.
