Sunday, May 07, 2023


Side story: When I went to boarding school in England for a year (this was between high school and college, so back in the 80s), I had a ton of culture shock, linguistically and in other ways. But in a reverse, I didn't understand why the girls started giggling one Saturday morning when the headmistress (who was American) suggested that we should all put our sneakers on and go outside to enjoy the weather.

Oh, sneakers is the American term? Really? What do you call---trainers? Seriously? What am I training for?

ANYWAY. I bought new sneakers yesterday, and I think they will be great for sneaking traveling, since my trip is coming up fast.

My current choices are my ratty little white ones, which I've gotten a lot of use out of but which don't have a lot of support, and my lovely yarn-pattern ones--wait, I never blogged about those? That I bought (via a Facebook ad) in 2019? Really? Well, if I did, I can't find it, so here:

Now, don't get me wrong, I love them, they're decently comfortable, and I get a lot of compliments on them. But if I wear them all day long, then put them on again the next day, I am reminded that they are only almost wide enough for my feet. On more than one trip, I have thought afterward that I really need to get new footwear for trips. And then I forget all about it, because who wants to deal with sneaker shopping? No one.

This time, though, I thought about it before the trip, and decided, no excuses. Yesterday I had lunch with a few friends (which was very pleasant, sitting outside and knitting), and then headed off.

It really was a beautiful day.

I tried on a lot of sneakers at Kohl's. The ones I liked the look of best were not wide enough for my feet (and not adjustable); another pair were wide enough, but I didn't love the look, plus one of them squeaked at every step, so no thank you. And I struck out at TJ Maxx, too. But I tried my luck at Marshall's, which is always hit or miss, and hit it with these:

Danskin makes sneakers? Well, apparently so. They're lightweight, flexible, I actually had to tighten the laces so they're definitely wide enough, and they feel like nothing, but in a supportive way, on my feet. I'll wear them around inside for a bit, just to be sure, but they seem like tremendous winners so far. For twenty bucks! Phew.

I also bought something else yesterday that may be a winner: a track-ball toy for Maggie that has a scratcher in the middle. She loves scratchers, and I wanted to find a toy she might play with that doesn't need batteries.

So far, so good:

The other thing I wanted to show you is from Friday. Remember I mentioned ordering a smaller version of the Bruins water bottle? Because I was a silly who didn't fully realize how large, and heavy, a 40-ounce bottle would be?

The larger one came from the Bruins Pro Shop, but that was the only size they had; meanwhile, the NHL shop had the 24-ounce version. When I ordered that, the page noted that it was a manufacturer-direct item, and thus would take longer.

  • On Thursday evening, so that's May 4, I got an email telling me that it had shipped, and should arrive by May 17.
  • On Friday, so that's May 5, a neighbor stopped by (to update me on the garage door)(oh, no, it isn't all set yet), and brought up a package that had my name on it. Guess what?
  • On Saturday, so that's May 6, I got another email telling me that it had shipped, and could be expected by May 16. The bottle I had been using all day. 

So, I'm not sure if another one is coming, but this one is here, and I love it!

It is slimmer than the 40, which means it is easier for me to pick up and lift with one hand, and it fits in the car's cupholder! The top is exactly the same, and so is the capacity for cooling. I put ice and water in it yesterday, drank from it at lunch, poured the water from the glass the restaurant gave me in on top of the ice, drank that while running around all afternoon, and when I got home, put more water in with the ice that was still in there. 

I will leave you with a view from its first wash. Bubbles!


  1. My immediate reaction was that smaller mug looks comfortable on the hands. And those yarn ball sneakers! LOVE! Although, I could never wear such a thing; my feet are 6.5 EE and that relegates me to (and it's a good thing I like) Birkenstocks, and a limited number of those.

    Those Danskins do look like a possibility, though, and I'm really glad they're so comfortable on you.

  2. Zelda has a similar scratching post with ball around it. She doesn't play with it too much, but my favorite is when she lazily swats the ball while laying down.

    Good for you for buying the shoes before your trip! I actually call them tennis shoes, even though I don't play tennis in them. Regional dialects are fascinating!

    1. Aren't they? I have heard people say tennis shoes, and not when talking about tennis; I would know what you meant.

  3. Those shoes are so cute. I don't think I have ever used the word sneakers. I have said runners, or trainers, or running shoes. But those shoes I would have just called shoes. I guess it's my Canadianness.

    1. Interesting! I have heard running shoes, but not just runners; I wouldn't know what you were referring to there. I love regional differences in terms; ask me about the Dictionary of American Regional English sometime.
