Friday, May 12, 2023

Rocks and Doors

On Thursday, one of the places across the street from us had the landscapers there putting in, not mulch around the landscaping, as one might expect, but small rocks. 

Hours and hours of the sound of shoveling rocks. Out of the truck into the cart, then off the cart onto the ground, rocks, rocks, rocks. Shovels of rocks.

Rocks are not quiet.

On Friday, the same sound was coming from next door, and I had to close my office window. Between that and the bird outside the window with its endless who-who-who, who-who-who, who-who-who, who-who-who, who-who-who, I could feel my sanity leaking out my ears.

At least it's Friday. And I get to plan my packing this weekend (I don't leave until Thursday, but it's good to get the piles started). Travel anticipation is fun!

Also fun, well, sort of, is that the garage door is finally done! There were several more steps in the process since I wrote about it, but as of today, they say it's done, for realzies this time. And when I was downstairs putting my car back in it, our wonderful handy neighbor was going by and stopped to say that he thinks they did a good job, which is nice to hear, since it's not like I can tell. 

He also said that while he was looking at it earlier, he noticed that the handle on the people door was loose, so he tightened it. In addition to being very nice, he is super handy to have around!  He and his wife are good folks, and we're lucky to have them in the building. Hooray for good neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for good neighbors! And for the garage door done well. Sorry about the rock noise, and the bird sounds like a mourning dove. They do like to talk a lot.
