Friday, May 12, 2023

Seen While Out

A few random things I've seen recently, such as this matter-of-fact shirt:

I just thought this was such a pretty color.
The light had just changed, so I cut off the edge in my hurry to get the picture, but I do wonder what they mean by having a plate that says 1WINGNUT.
Though maybe not as much as I wonder about FLY BABE. But to each their own.
Check out the orange tree! 
I did not get a photo of a business van going by, but I did laugh to see that it was a company that installs generators and its slogan is "We turn you on"!


  1. I like the shirt!!

  2. Kali Woodbridge8:59 PM, May 12, 2023

    That shirt is on my wish list as we speak.

  3. The tree: is that a Poinciana? From Australia.
