Monday, May 15, 2023

Funny Follow-Up

After my mini-rant last week about surveys and reviews for every breath I take, I was very amused to see these cartoons in Adult Children: this one first, then this one. (I'm hoping there will be more this week.) Worth clicking through to see!

Fun fact: I did not know the name of this comic strip, though I've been reading it for a while. See, it shows up in Feedly listed as "StBeals by Stephen Beals," so I think of it as StBeals. Which, no, makes no sense. Things don't always, in my head.


I've been working on getting organized ahead of my trip to New England, which I mentioned when I was fretting about the weather a few weeks ago (the forecast has warmed up a bit: but hey, cold by Florida standards doesn't mean really cold, I do know that)(remind me I said that when it's 50 degrees at night and I'm shivering)(on second thought, don't remind me).

I have to do the work in stages, partly because you can't pack some things until closer to departure, and partly because after a certain amount of bending and moving, my back is very persuasive in getting me to stop. It's such a wimp. Ow.

I have my carry-on organized now---by which I mean the bag to access on the plane, as I'm not checking a bag, so I'll have a small roller suitcase to "carry on" as well. Oh joy. I mean, thank god it has wheels, but if you think my back is unhappy now, just wait.

Where was I? Oh, yes: I've got most of the "things" sorted out, and now I need to see how much warm clothing I can cram into the roller. Right, clothing! To wear! I'll want some of that. I'm pretty sure.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's worth checking a bag just to not have to lift it or bother with it on the plane. I say that, and then I think of to-be-delivered afghans in carryons that I was never going to trust to the airports re delivery.
