Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Home: Back to Reality (vacation is more fun)

I had a great trip, but I'm glad to be home, with my own bed and my cat. 

I'm especially glad that Past Me was smart enough to take this morning off work, since I got in late yesterday and having to set the alarm and dive right in to work this morning would have been even worse than doing it after lunch was (200 emails, ugh).

More to come, but for now, a few photos of my furry, demanding welcoming committee.

I ran downstairs to get something from the car this morning, wasn't gone five minutes, and she was waiting for me at the door. Raow! Raow! Where have you been?


  1. She doesn't want to let you out of her sight again! Welcome home!

  2. Oh right, the new format. (not-anonymous waves hi)

  3. Awww! She is so happy to have you home!

    200 emails - yikes!

    1. Fortunately, they aren't just sent to me, they're to the editorial group, so most of them were resolved by the time I got back. But it still took half an hour to weed-whack through them.

  4. I'm so impressed that she doesn't hold any grudges when you come home. Sometimes we don't see Zelda for a couple of days!

  5. Well, she does hold a grudge a little! She often, instead of sitting on my lap, will sit on the floor near me and monitor me to make sure I know I'm being snubbed. And she didn't come to bed with me Tuesday night, but she was there later. She can't hold out forever, she wants her cuddles!
