Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Maggie's New Scratcher

Maggie, being the spoiled princess that she is, has more than one cardboard scratcher, because of course she does. I have often put up photos of her casually hanging out on this one:

Well, last week she threw up and some of it got on the scratcher, so it had to be thrown out, and Maggie kept stopping meaningfully in the empty spot to stare at me. 

Fortunately for her, Santa was already bringing her one for Christmas (see above re: spoiled princess), so she got her present a little early.

"Is this for me?"
Sniff sniff sniff.
"Ooh, it's scratchy!"
Sniff sniff sniff.
So you'll be seeing a lot more of these photos.


I mean.
How cute is she?
All curled up.
Triumphant roar!


  1. These cat pictures made me laugh out loud. So many cat emotions on one scratcher!

  2. It's really the perfect present for Maggie! Way to go on being the best gift giver.

  3. I laughed, too! Priceless, and just the perfect size not to mention shape. Maggies likes her main disc with sides.

  4. Such a pretty girl - and so lucky to have a Mom who knows just what she needs.
