Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A Word About Words

I do try to speak kindly to myself, to remember that for instance, I wouldn't scold a friend for being a fucking klutz if she dropped something. But I am a fucking klutz, frankly, and I do drop things, and when I drop something that makes a mess, and then in cleaning up the mess I am reminded that I hurt myself previously while being a fucking klutz, well. So much for the kind self-talk.

How coordinated are you? Are you at all coordinated, or would you, just theoretically, not be surprised if, in starting to trip over a shoe on the floor, you startled back in such a way that you hurt your knee?

Just theoretically.


  1. I read a book, ages and ages ago, and I think--I could be wrong--it was about the Esalen Institute in the Big Sur area of CA. Whatever: they did a study on many many couples, trying to figure out why couples stick together or not.

    They found that there's no rhyme nor reason, no similarities nor dissimilarities that make for a longstanding good match nor why people pick each other.

    Except one: they found that klutzes who marry klutzes, and super coordinated people who marry super coordinated, are the happiest with their spouses.

    That's a lifetime of information to think about, and I have, all these years. Good thing I married a total klutz and he did, too! There was no dancing at our wedding reception because we'd both found the one person who danced worse than we did. Etc.

    Right there with you on the klucking futz thing.

  2. Oh, you know me!! I am the kluztiest of klutzes. I hurt myself in stupid ways regularly.
