Tuesday, July 05, 2022


I do still plan to write about my recent trip, but I wanted to share with you something pretty silly about a potential future trip.

I have been wanting to go visit my aunt near Syracuse again, but have been stymied by how much work it is to get there--there's just no simple way to get there from here. Even the little bargain airlines, which are miserable to fly and have such limited options, don't make it easy. 

Witness Frontier:

Oh, you want to fly from Florida to NY? How about overnighting in Denver on the way?

Like this:

It's hard to believe they can be serious.


JetBlue isn't much better. Would you prefer the six and a half hour layover? Or to get in at midnight? And yes, they admit, those are the only options that day.


  1. Ha! I've seen flights like that, where you fly completely over the place you want to go and then fly back. So silly!

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. And I can't but help think of the time we were flying coast to coast and got diverted an extra 90 minutes' flying time worth to avoid the tornado that was touching down on Moore Oklahoma, with us getting buffeted enough as it was and one could only imagine down below.

    Yeah, two flights over tornado country in tornado season with neither one necessary, nope nope nope.

    I once flew from my sister's in Atlanta to my daughter's in Vermont via New York but I remember there were some really weird offerings for point a to point b from the airlines. None quite that weird!
