Tuesday, February 06, 2024

New Favorite Word! And, Yes, More Yarn

I'm sure I have mentioned multiple times how much I enjoy anticipation, looking forward to trips or events, and then I ran across this in a comment on Jenny's blog:

I love the German word for joyful anticipation: Vorfreude (vor = before, Freude = joy). Many people say it’s the best kind of joy and I tend to agree!

Yes! I love this word! Thank you for it, Catrina.

Meanwhile, speaking of joy, I got some yarn recently: the purchase involved a new-to-me dyer, Holly Dyeworks*, and the magical combination of the words 'sale' and 'cashmere' (you're not surprised, right?).

*or as it is in Ravelry, Holly & Ivy Dyeworks? that's funny; the label on what I got clearly just says Holly Dyeworks, as does the website

I got three skeins that will work well together, though who knows in what*, or when. The base is named Balsam, and they're light and soft and lovely.

*One of the knitting friends I went to the yarn store with last month asked me recently if I had a plan for the yarn I got there, and I kind of almost laughed at her. Plan? I don't shop with a plan!


  1. Such beautiful colours! Lovely.

  2. I love that word and many similar ones in other languages. They describe feelings that we know but that we don't have precise words for in English. That's gorgeous yarn; I should qualify that by saying that blue is my favorite color. I get a feeling of peace even looking at the skeins.

    1. I was looking at the photo again and thinking, if I still lived in the northeast, I probably wouldn't have liked these colors in winter, too cool! But from Florida, I was drawn to them.

  3. I am in agreement with Margaret!! Blue is also my favorite color and those yarns look so soft and serene! I can't wait to see what you make with them. I also love the German word -- it is a before joy for sure!

    1. Blue is my favorite color, too. I have soooo much blue yarn, and I love it all!

  4. What a great word that is! And oooh, such pretty yarn!

  5. Wow, such beautiful colors, alone and together! I love that word, too -- what a great term.

  6. That will sit aside schadenfreude as my new favourite German word. I am more often apprehensive about even good things, so joyful anticipation is always a gift.
    My favourite colour is Indigo, but really any blue, and that yarn is gorgeous.

  7. I guess that should have been beside, not aside.

    1. I think I read it meaning like "alongside" so I wasn't even questioning it!
