Saturday, February 24, 2024

Past Travel: Key West, September 2023, Part Two

For more about this series, see Part One.

We last saw out hero in her hotel room, getting ready for dinner on the first day in Key West. The group was meeting at Martin's on Duval Street for drinks, so once everyone at the hotel was ready, we headed out to catch the Duval Loop (an awesome free bus service that loops around).

Saw this fun old car on the way!

And some pretty flowers.
Color everywhere.
Do you think they're mushroom enthusiasts, or does it mean something else?
You know I love a rainbow!

We met up there with the friend who drove and everyone had drinks (something that is possibly a bit more fun if you drink alcohol, which I don't do much of, but eh, it was still interesting). There was discussion about staying there for dinner or going elsewhere, with a few in the group hoping to go dancing too. Three of us agreed that we weren't up for a late night, but just wanted dinner in air conditioning, so we walked down Duvall and ate at Mangoes, which had killer air conditioning--normally it would have been too cold for me, but in this case it felt fantastic. And the food was good too!

We walked back to the hotel and found that we were in time for sunset; the hotel is right on the water, and we got there when the sky looked like this:

So instead of going to our rooms, we walked along to the boardwalk on the water side.
It's such a pretty area.
We ended up meeting some of the others there and watched the sun go down, and I took a zillion pictures, here they all are, see you soon for Part Three.


  1. It looks and sounds like quite an adventure. I love water views and sunsets; the combo is stunning!

  2. Replies
    1. It was! I tried hard to be in the moment, but I also wanted to take pictures constantly.

  3. Flowers: bougainvillea?

    At the beginning of the sunset series, I love how that brilliantly lit one looks like it's turning a face towards the viewer as it exclaims, Watch me dive!
