Sunday, January 07, 2024

Road Trip! Yarn Store!

I'm getting used to living in a seasonal destination, and that a lot of my friends who are snowbirds are only here for "season." My group of knitting friends is about 80% not here in the summer, but while they are here, we have weekly meetups, a monthly lunch, and once a season, we travel to another city to visit a yarn store. Yesterday was this season's trip, and we went over to the east coast to visit the wonderful Sheep Thrills. Details:

To start, it tells you how much I wanted to do this that I was willing to set my alarm on a weekend, particularly after last week being full of rude awakenings. To be up and out of the house by 8, well, you see.

There were nine of us traveling, so we went in two cars, meeting up by geographical grouping. I was delighted for some sitting and knitting and chatting time--next time it has to be my turn to drive, but oh, I appreciated not driving this time. We met the others, and one more friend who was on the east coast already, for brunch at First Watch (yum), and then headed to the store.

I had such fun shopping! Most of the group is much more disciplined than I am about buying with a purpose--for this pattern or that, they look for the yarn they need--whereas my purchase "plan" is pretty much, look how pretty! Feel how soft! And since I was fresh off Christmas and Mom's go-have-fun-money gift, I went wild. As you can see.

I made my own rainbow!
(They gave us a discount, too, which was super nice of them. And in case you're wondering, of the group, I bought the most--I win!)

Funnily enough, the only photos I took at the store were in the bathroom. How you know you're in a yarn store's bathroom:

We stopped at a Dunkin Donuts before heading west again, and were tickled that they have a conference room for rent. How funny to have meetings there!

The drive home featured some weather, yuck.

But we got through it and home safely. And I made a lot of progress on my shawl, which I think is beautiful even from the wrong side and crumpled into the knitting bag.

Someone was unimpressed by my being out all day.

But she came around.


  1. Oh C, that sounds so fun! Also the sheep toilet paper is really really cute. How nice to have all your snowbird friends around!

    1. The first summer I was here after moving, it was so odd that almost everyone was gone! But now I know. And thanks to Zoom, we keep in touch all summer, so I feel less out of touch with everyone even when they're scattered far and wide.

  2. What a fun day, although that weather map made me nervous. Maggie was NOT nervous.

    1. Maggie would have been in bed or under the bed the whole time! I was doubly glad not to be driving through that, but the person who was driving seemed perfectly calm about it.

  3. That yarn. So beautiful. *Happy sigh*

    The weather, not so much...Glad you made it safely. Bad weather stresses me out but I have a friend whose FAVOURITE road conditions are snowy. For real. It blows my mind. She loves driving in snowstorms. What the what?

    1. Wow, I know some people who really enjoy winter weather, but to enjoy driving in the snow? Never heard that before!

  4. Sounds so fun, even with the rude awakening time. If I was a knitter I would be exactly the same as you yarn shopping - look how pretty! I also have a friend who fearlessly takes the driving role when there is weather, which is much appreciated.

    1. Isn't it wonderful when someone will do a thing for you that you don't want to do? I like to think that I do things for other people, too...but driving isn't something I'm eager for.

  5. Wow, that shawl! I can't wait to see it unfurled. You've made a ton of progress on it.

    Nice job on spending your Fun Money. I am impressed.

    1. Thank you! I do know how to spend money...and the shawl is coming well (once I fixed a mistake from last night, ahem).

  6. I'm so much more aware of my surroundings and able to carry on conversations when I'm not driving. What a grand excursion! Love your kitty but hate big weather. We're getting some soon. :(

    1. Yes, I find it distracting to have passengers; I need to focus enough when I'm driving that I limit my conversation contributions, or else I'll make a wrong turn. I hope your weather isn't too bad!

  7. Love love love this! Sounds like so much fun! And the sheep in the bathroom made me laugh out loud. And yes, soft and pretty--of course it came home with you, it would have come home with me, too!
