Saturday, July 29, 2023


This is a topic that might be a bit TMI for some, so feel free to nope out and come back next time, no hard feelings, but did you know that the sweat your body produces when stressed is different from the sweat that heat brings? I did not know this! But I googled it because, honestly, I have been much stinkier recently, and I remember that the same thing happened in December, when Mom was having her second shoulder surgery and I again had a lot on my plate.

According to the International Hyperhidrosis Society, they are actually caused by different glands:

The sweat your body produces when you’re feeling stressed or nervous is actually smellier than the sweat produced when you’re working outside or exercising. That’s because stress elicits a different kind of sweat than heat and exertion do.

So it's a little gross, but also kind of fascinating! I mean, it isn't just my imagination!

They suggest using an antiperspirant with a deodorant (I usually use one that is just the latter, and I thought it had suddenly stopped working), so I got one and I'm going to try that.

Human bodies are so weird.