Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The End (of the second sleeve) Is in Sight!

I feel as though I've been working on the sleeves of the sweater for such a long time, but tonight I held up the second one to the first, and look! Almost done!

After that, I'll take the remaining yarn and make the body longer. Yay!


  1. Yay! Now, do you knit at the speed of a madwoman like I do when you see the end is near?

    1. I do feel more motivated now that it's close! I have found the sleeves to be a slog, compared to the body. The only drawback is I can't really work on it if I have a cat on my lap, since the project is too big to hold above her. We'll see how quickly I get it done!

  2. Oh that's pretty! Can't wait to see it done!

  3. (Oh wait, sorry, that's me.)
