Thursday, July 06, 2023

What the What? Jobs Edition

In order to activate a replacement credit card online, they wanted me to choose my occupation to authenticate myself. The available choices blew my mind. Cast your eyes over these:

ATM owner seems very specific. Arms dealer? Foreign consulate?
I don't own a gas station or a liquor store. I'm not a dealer in gems or metal. I don't own a parking lot or a garage!
Vending machine operator??

Now, I wasn't expecting "medical editor" to be listed, although that's what my company calls my position. "Editor" would have been perfectly fine, but really all I was looking for was some kind of office-type job listing. Do you see one? I don't.

I guess I could have selected "Other/not listed," but I called to activate the card instead. Good grief.


  1. What in the world. This list of jobs is so oddly specific! Are there that many that work in antiquities/antiques? Wouldn't restaurant employee fall under hopsitality/travel? I think of restaurants as hospitality.

    1. Oddly specific is exactly right! I would love to know more about how they were chosen.

  2. I mean, I think a lot of these could be covered by "small business owner," right? What a strange list!

    1. It's so strange! All these very specific titles, and yet nothing general that most office jobs would fall under.

  3. This list is just begging for Florida Man jokes. (By the way, wouldn't Money Transmitter and ATM Owner be, y'know, like kind of the same thing?)

  4. But why do they need to know anyway?

    1. Supposedly to verify my identity. But if they were comparing it to an answer I gave previously, well, did I use "other"? On the phone, they didn't ask for that, fortunately.

  5. This is so fascinating! I don't see anything about marketing/communications/writing! Who made this list?!?! Why these options? Some are so specific and others are completely missing!

    1. So specific, and yet so many gaps! Absolutely a weird list.
