Tuesday, May 16, 2017


The sun really was out today, I am happy to report. It was warmer than it's been lately, too, around 80 maybe, enough to have a few windows open, though I still needed layers inside. Once I got outside, though, it felt grand!

I left for the gym earlier than usual, and made a stop to get some allergy medicine; shout-out to the pharmacist at Walgreens who saw me looking at the options, asked if I wanted help, and gave me her guidance on what to get, then got it for me from behind the counter and even rang it up for me. My allergies haven't been miserable, but the sinus pressure the last few days has gotten annoying, so we'll see if this stuff helps.

Anyway, after that I drove to the gym, and sat in the car, in the sun, for half an hour, basking. I'm listening to Neil Gaiman's The View From the Cheap Seats, read by the author, and very much enjoying it (I requested the book version from the library as well, so expect to get some quotes from that later), and sitting in the sun and sniffing the pleasant breeze was just so nice.

It's supposed to be even warmer tomorrow, and more so on Thursday*, and right now they are saying "mostly sunny," so if that is what happens, I will be happy.
*And then just 60 again on Saturday; the weather here is so bipolar.

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