Sunday, March 11, 2012

Health Update (in lieu of knitting update)

More and more, as I get older, my biggest symptom when I'm sick is that I sleep. Enormous, copious amounts of sleep. It may seem odd to call it a symptom, but that's how I see it. I wonder if it's due to my body fighting off the germs, and sucking up all my available energy to do it?

The latest example started last night. I got to sleep using a combo of unisom and a throat drop (non-medicated/herbal-type cough drop, my usual preference), but in the night I started coughing again, waking up with my throat already raw from it. A throat drop did nothing, but I dug out a lone medicated cough drop rattling around the bottom of the drawer, and that stopped the cough enough for me to get back to sleep.

The alarm went off at 8, since this morning was the day for my friend's baby to be dedicated*. I hit the snooze and dozed, coughing, for a little while, but soon got up with an unrelenting cough. Not wanting to go to the ceremony and spoil it for others by coughing all the way through it, I turned on the computer to send regrets, then went straight back to bed. The cough seemed to diminish, leaving me feeling guilty as I fell asleep again.
*I really wanted to go to that, damn it.

Clearly I needed it, though, because when the cough woke me again, it was almost three hours later! And not overflowing with energy even then. I had to have a bowl of cereal* before I had the energy to go down for the paper (one of those rare times when I wish I lived at ground level).
*If you're a caramel fan like me, have you tried caramel Cheerios? Technically Dulce de Leche. I do not recommend. The taste does not strike me as caramel, just as ... odd.

In any case, I think the knitting update will wait until tomorrow, when I will (please god) have more energy, and potentially even coherence! I hope, I hope. And possibly I will also sound more like myself and less like Kathleen Turner (who has a lovely throaty sound that I am normally nowhere near). Cross your fingers?


  1. Fingers are definitely crossed. Feel better soon!

  2. What is caramel Cheerios??? I heard of peanut butter ones, but not caramel. Sounds weird!

    I hope you are continuing to feel better!
