Thursday, September 24, 2009

So tired

I finished the book last night (and have requested the sequel from the library already), but that made two nights in a row up too late, so I'm going to write briefly and go to bed early. Work has been busy this week, and I wanted to put my head down on the desk and go to sleep today. One more day to get through!

And Leslie, you wondered if the cats let me sleep the other night? They pretty much did, though Harold came and purred loudly at me, looking for lurve, after the incident when someone across the street woke me repeatedly by talking and laughing outside, loudly, at 3:30. Three thirty AM. In the morning!

Just for the record, new windows are lovely and all, but they do not slam convincingly when you would like to make a point to inconsiderate assholes who think that sitting outside having loud conversations is at all appropriate at, did I mention, Three Thirty In The Morning. In case you wondered. If it happens again I will have to revisit my seesaw quandary of do I say something, or seethe through it?

Oh, and last night? When I did finally get in bed? I could hear a beep! Yes, every thirty seconds, beep. Not, thank heavens, in my home this time. It was just far enough away that I could sleep through it, praise the lord. Because what if it's someone who's not home? It could go on for days! If mine had started when I was in Florida, it could have bugged my neighbors (I assume at least one would be able to hear it) for a week! Damn technology is more trouble than it's worth sometimes.

Which makes me think of the e-mail we got late this afternoon at work from IT, something about the e-mail server and blah blah blah blah we're working on it. I commented to my cube-neighbor that I understood every word in the message separately, but put together in that way, I have no idea what the problem was. Any time IT speaks, it sounds like this to me:

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