Thursday, December 04, 2008

One Way to Happiness

It isn't the only way, it isn't the best way, but if you have low expectations, even small successes are surprisingly satisfying.

Yesterday afternoon at work, well, it was frustrating. The blankety-blank-blank piece of blank label printer is supposed to do x when you do y, and it wasn't. Maddening.

This afternoon started to look like a rerun, but after much, much work by me and two others, we got it to where it kinda-sorta worked! Instead of printing 200+ labels in one whack, the way it's supposed to, I managed to print 10-15, re-align the label roll, and repeat. Doesn't sound like fun, I'm sure, but it beats "print 10 and see if 2 or 3 are usable". (Yesterday, fortunately, we only needed 20+, not 200+. My, what an important order of magnitude!)

Then it only took me 20 minutes to get home, woo-hoo, and Harold is all happy to see me, and I ate good food, and the Bruins game is starting without me now so I have to go. Bye!

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