Tuesday, January 30, 2024

A Look at Today

This morning, Maggie had herself a think on my lap. Is it time to get up? Maybe? And be fed again?

Also this morning, I took my car in to the place that will check your tire pressure, because my tires started to sound funny driving home from knitting last night, thwack-whack-whack, and I thought maybe the cooler weather had changed the pressure too much (it was probably 80 on Sunday, and about 55 this morning). It wasn't as loud this morning, but better check.

They did need air, but the man looked at one of them and said, "I know what you were hearing. You have a razor blade in your tire." A what? yes, really.

He said that if it had gone all the way in, I would likely have needed a whole new one, but apparently it only got stuck in the edge*. Whew! What a lucky person I am today.
*He sprayed the tire with liquid, before and after removing the razor blade, and saw no air bubbles. I will of course be watching closely, both the tire and the warning light.

In also-pleasant news, while it might not have been hot weather today, the sun was mostly out! Her highness greatly approves of sunshine on her box.

In other totally unrelated news, I recently took advantage of a small sale and picked up one of my favorite webcomics, Questionable Content, in book form. Fun to read, and look, a rainbow!

Not only do I enjoy reading it from the beginning, but at least in the first book, the artist put a little note on each page, which gives a fun glimpse into his mindset and what he remembers, or doesn't, about the early strips. And of course, Volume 1 is from the beginning, 2003, which is (checks calendar) a long time ago! His drawing style has changed a ton, but the characters are still themselves.

I'm going to have to make more room on my comics shelf. Between Girl Genius, Drive, Digger, Sheldon, and now QC, plus a few other much-loved odds and ends, it's close to a full shelf.

I also own the giant Doonesbury treasury, which is too big for this shelf, and then I have some smaller books of this and that, so I may well tweak some more. We'll see. It's a fun project to contemplate.


  1. I now really want to nap in sunshine tomorrow. Maggie is living the life.
    Also, a razor blade - yikes?! Thank goodness it didn't puncture the tire. Phew. Dodged a bullet (or, er, blade) there!

    1. She does lead the good life, much as she wants to complain! I would love to spend my days lying in the sun or cozy under a blanket.

  2. Oh my gosh; cat in the sun! That looks like a great idea. I think I am going to do it tomorrow if we have sun (although I think it's supposed to rain...)

    1. I hope you're getting sun today! Our January has been much gloomier than usual and it makes me almost desperate for the sun when it comes out.

  3. Cats do love to bask, don't they? I've never heard of a razor blade in a tire but you were very lucky. It must have been at just the right angle. (or wrong one!)

    1. Yes, I hit it either just right or just wrong, depending on how you look at it!

  4. A razor blade! Well, that's a new one for me!
    This made me think of how when I was a kid my parents had all these For Better or For Worse comic collections and I LOVED them. I wonder if they still have them?

    1. I know, I would never have guessed a razor blade! What are the odds?

      Years ago I worked in a bookstore and I would often read comic collections at lunch. All the FBFW, Fox Trot, Far Side...so many!

  5. We were just talking about Far Side at a dinner party on the weekend. We had Calvin and Hobbes and a high school friend got me into Bloom County. I will have to look at Questionable Content. I forget about how fun it is to read comics.

    1. Ah, I loved Calvin and Hobbes! These days I enjoy Wallace the Brave, has something of that vibe to me. It used to be in the local paper but they just cut it, so I have to read it online now.

  6. A razor blade! How does that even happen? Where were you?

    1. Driving on the roads, honest! No off-roading or driving through construction sites. I expect that the blade was from a box-cutter, and fell off a worker's truck. I just got unlucky, though lucky in the end that it didn't pierce the tire.

  7. I love how cats insist upon lying ON STUFF--any old stuff. Mine are crazy about plastic bags. They were in heaven during the pandemic when stores here refused to allow us to bring our reusables in. All those plastic bags to lie in/on as I put away groceries went right on the floor for them.

    1. Oh, yes! A couple of years ago, I dropped a box in that spot while looking at the contents (yarn, of course), and she claimed it for her own. So much so that when she started chewing on the corners and making a mess, I put down a new one for her! Luckily, she didn't mind the substitution.

  8. Sheldon! And don't forget Pastis for the puns.

    And glad you could hear that razor blade. I can't even imagine anymore what it might sound like. Thwap thwap?
