Friday, January 19, 2024

Bad Word, Bad Word

I mentioned in my menopause post being upset when the elevator went out of order: it wasn't working when we got home Monday, and after the company came Tuesday (Monday having been a holiday), they said it would be Wednesday or Thursday before it would be fixed. 

Then on Thursday, they said the part* would come in on Friday.
*Ominous foreshadowing: "the" part

This morning, word was that the part would be here later today, and they had authorized overtime so that the elevator could be fixed tonight or tomorrow.

Then, late afternoon today, aka Friday (it's still Friday):

"We have received one of two necessary parts for the elevator.  The other will not be in until Monday and installed on Tuesday."

The other part! When did that happen? Who is being incompetent here?

#$*!%&*! Fuck!

I went down yesterday, to take the trash down and bring the mail up, and I had to give myself a pep talk to walk back up the five flights. Listening to my knee grinding turns out to be even worse than just feeling it is.

Also, if they don't stop thanking me for my patience, my brain is going to explode. I was slightly patient on Monday, less so on Tuesday, and by now, I am fully 180 degrees away, at whatever the diametric opposite of patient is.


  1. Five flights? Are you effing kidding me? I'm so sorry you're dealing with this and would also be the opposite of patient, even though my knees don't (yet) grind.

    1. I am waiting to find out what the next news is, but if it is not that the elevator is working, and does thank me for my patience, well. It won't be pretty.

  2. That is annoying! I hate poor communication. I feel like if they would have said on Monday that it was going to take a week, you could have been annoyed but then gotten over it, but pushing it forward each day is so frustrating.

    I lived in France when I was younger and was on the 6th floor in an apartment with no elevator. Luckily I was young, but I remember having to change some of my habits (for example, smaller grocery shops) in order to accommodate the climb.

    1. Yes, we would shop very differently in that case! As it is, we're bringing things up in small loads--which feel like large loads!

  3. It's condescending to presuppose that you have patience to begin with. Perhaps you should send an email that reads "Since I live on the fifth floor, I'll be placing my trash on the stair landing until the elevator is in working order. Thank you for your patience."

    1. We have had neighbors offering to help us, and I'm sure they would carry our trash down if we asked. But who wants to ask for that? Especially for someone to walk up in order to get it. I just want the elevator to work, and then I can deal with the trash myself.

  4. Replies
    1. IT IS!!!! And after all the well-actuallys, I don't have a lot of faith it will be fixed tomorrow.

  5. Wtf. Patience doesn't come free, I say. Demand inducements. This is unacceptable.

  6. YES!! Allison is right. You need to demand money off rent/HOA fees/whatever. You are paying for the elevator and have to change how you are living your life because of this!

  7. OMG. Infuriating. At least they're keeping you in the loop?? But yeah, patience is the least of what is left, I am sure. I am so sorry.

    1. I didn't start with much, and boy, today it is GONE. I'm really afraid it won't get fixed tomorrow.

  8. Fine. They can pay someone to run up the stairs and fetch your garbage for you, then. Grrr. I'm so sorry.
