For the latter: The roofers are still here (of course); regular thunderstorms and heavy rain most days send the cat into hiding; the demo noise from above is so loud that my mother and I have both, at times, looked up and thought, They can't really be about to come through the ceiling, no matter what it sounds like...

I ran across this picture book cover online, and while I haven't seen inside, it sure does sum up my recent mood.
We need a word for wince-laughed. We remodeled 25 years ago, adding some skylights in the process. I had some people working on my roof about ten years later, and let's just say the crew wasn't...well, anyway, what I caught them doing and what I found out was that the guy who'd installed the skylight in the hall had only nailed it in on one side--and those big Pacific Islanders were laughing as they bounced up and down on the other side and nearly broke through, totally ignoring me yelling from below (just out of their potential falling range) to stop. Cost me $600 in repairs and the roofer guy refused to make good on it, so, not hiring him again.
ReplyDeleteI hope yours gets all done and done well and quickly!