Friday, June 19, 2020

Wow, Louderer and Louderer

The saving grace for today's episode of Dealing with Demo Noise was actually not having work to do this morning. Yesterday afternoon, for the first time in almost two months, we editors got caught up on our queue, and were able to take a break. And this morning, as the noise reached heights previously unknown, I could only be grateful.

As for those heights previously unknown? Two hours of near-constant this (volume all the way up):

Hmmm, video not showing up? Oh well, take my word for it.

It was stunningly loud, 'oh, you thought it was loud before, well, guess what' levels of loud. Which I guess is one small bright side: it made the previous level of noise seem much more manageable. Or bearable. Or something.

I am very much hoping they have tomorrow off, but am bracing myself for the potential of more noise. I'll report back, of course.

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