Friday, February 09, 2018

Ah, Nerds

Someone came by today to pick up a computer monitor I was giving away, and when I handed it to him, he exclaimed, "Perfect for my basement computer!" Which got me thinking how I love the enthusiasm of nerds.

And by nerds, I don't mean anything technology-specific. I'm really just using it to describe people who are very enthusiastic about something that is not universally enthused over. (So, for instance, around here there are no Patriots nerds. There are tons of Patriots fans, but that's different.) I'm a knitting nerd, my friend is a yoga nerd ... there are many flavors.

What are you a nerd about?


  1. Houseplants. Hoo boy, I'll be chatting with a visiting friend and suddenly realize I've been going on and on about the age of this plant, the propagate-ability of that one, plotting how I might hand off a baby airplane plant to an unsuspecting recipient. Geez. I'm turning into my mom!

  2. Oh, yeah, I'm a trivia nerd, so I'm nerdy about a lot of stuff. Without apology, I might add. Probably mostly about literature and cats if I had to narrow it down to two :)

  3. Guinea pigs! I'm a total guinea pig nerd. And knitting, of course.
