Sunday, February 04, 2018

A Few Updates: Swatch Washing, Hyacinth

I mentioned on a recent post, about washing the swatch for the baby blanket I'm knitting, that I wanted to try machine-washing but air-drying it, and in fact when I did that, it came out less crumpled. I didn't pin it out, just laid it on the arm of the sofa, and it dried nicely.
So I can be comfortable passing it along with washing instructions that go both ways. Good.

Then there's the hydroponic hyacinth I told you about, here. Well, after that, I noticed a little surprise:
A second blossom!
It came up pretty quickly.

And before long, there were two in good bloom.

At one point, i was struck by the roots.
As do all flowers, it started to fade.
 But still beautiful.
It's just about dead now. But it has been much welcomed, these last few weeks.

Well, it's just about kickoff time, which means ... I need to switch my sweatpants for jeans, and go grocery shopping.

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