Monday, June 03, 2013

Go Bruins!

Another reason to hate NBC's coverage of the playoffs: I blame them for these terrible 8 PM start times. What, are they trying to kill me?

I already didn't sleep well last night. It was a weird night, honestly: I was in bed by 10, but it took me what felt like forever to fall asleep (one of those nights when it was hard to switch my brain off, you know?). It seemed like a long time later that I woke up to go to the bathroom, like it should have been close to morning, but it was only 12:45. Then I went back to sleep, but I kept sleeping and waking and sleeping and waking, and when Carlos was all meowy I thought it must be almost time for the alarm to go off, but the clock said it was only 4:15! Just an odd, non-restful night. No matter what happens tonight, I can tell already that tomorrow morning is going to SUCK.

I hope it doesn't suck for hockey-fan reasons too, but I certainly don't expect the Penguins to sit back and let the Bruins roll over them. No one picked this series to finish in four, either way. Still, watching the Bruins lose (theoretically) isn't so much fun. If the Bruins don't win, I hope they at least acquit themselves well.

And off to watch the game. Cross those fingers, go Bruins!

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