Here we have the second china rose skyp sock, as it was when I began my trip that Thursday morning:
And here is the knot I found in the yarn, just for reference. I undid it and managed a felted join in the station--not my best work, but you can't even tell where it was in the finished sock, which suits me fine.
I got a lot done on the train, and in the car going to Monticello and back, and by Saturday night, watching the Bruins game, I was kitchnering the toe. Here the pair is on Sunday morning, in the sun:
They took two months to make: not a record, but not bad for purse knitting. I can't wait to wear them! (After I show them off at stitch and bitch.)
If the Bruins game had been going my way that night, I might not have started in on the next socks right away, but as the screen was hardly worth watching, away I went. I made a short false start, but quickly ripped and restarted. This time I was doing the handy skyp pattern in the Regia yarn I bought in March, while yarn crawling. Rainbow skyps!
All right, you can't tell in a night-time lighting photo. Here they are Sunday morning:
I found the color patterns very entertaining.
So here is a shot of the sock, on my knee, on the train, Monday morning.
And this is what I had when I got home. Knitting most of an 8-hour trip brings visible progress!
It's a little snug, but it fits!
I like the colors over the heel, too.
I've made eleven pair of socks so far, so these will probably be the twelfth pair I finish (unless it's the exercise bike pair first, but I doubt it). How about that for someone who had to take a class to get the nerve to make them at all?
The only non-sock project I have going right now is the sweater, which I didn't bring on the trip since it's getting a little big to go when I'm traveling light. I have been working on it, though, and tried it on while I was switching from the 29" needle to the 40". I think it might work!
I like the pattern, down the front and along the sleeves.
And the fabric feels good. Onward!
Those knits look way cool!