Monday, September 13, 2010

Briefly (ha, as if)

I was so tired last night from my apple-picking (and carrying), I was in bed way early. And though I'm not quite that tired tonight, it was an annoying day at work and that took it out of me. Stitch and Bitch was fun, but I'm pooped.

At work I was still mired deeply in the hateful project from last week (All Freakin' Day, and not done yet), and at one point I was trying to look on the bright side and musing that since I have to wait for the program to run, there are built in breaks to the process. It's just a few minutes here and there, but at least you can look away from the computer.

I was leaning back in my chair, staring up at the ceiling to stretch my neck, and wondered what I'd say if my boss came along just then. "I'm waiting for Godot," I decided, and it was a minute* before I remembered: Godot never came.

*Hey, high school was a long time ago.

Fortunately she didn't come along while I was snickering about that one.

Then my commute was Even More So than usual. The station was so crowded when I got there that I didn't get on the first train, but waited (fortunately just a minute) for the next. Not too crowded, and a few stops later I got a seat, phew (starting the heel on a sock is really much easier when seated).

And a stop or two later, several dozen Spanish-speaking teens and a few adults shoved their way on like it was the last train out of a war zone. Crazy! I just kept looking at my knitting (I'm not here, I'm not here, just keep knitting) while they made the car the most sardine-can crowded it can be, though I did look up when a bite of someone's snack, yes really, bounced out of his mouth, off my arm, and onto my neighbor. Can I just be an old fart for a moment? Kids! Jeez louise.

Anyway. The point of the what-a-crazy-day stories was to say that I'm not going to say much more tonight. (Typically, it takes me eight paragraphs to get there. No wonder I have no interest in Twitter.) But here's a link, if you:
  1. like cats
  2. saw Google's home page the other day when the letters were made up of little balls that broke apart when you moved your mouse over them--or if you didn't see it but wish you had!
Click here (sorry, it won't embed). Enjoy!

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