Sheesh! I love cats, but they sure can be emotionally exhausting.
Not that it makes me crazy enough to need this bumper sticker:
Though I do get some road rage, and I am a princess... And when did the ribbon-loop-magnet people decide that individuality merited an entry? I missed that announcement.
I also called my dentist's office this morning, hoping they might have Saturday hours, but no such luck. This week, I started having a mild-discomfort area that had me looking to see when in April my check-up is, and wondering if I needed to go in earlier. Then late yesterday, it suddenly escalated from "hmm" to "OW!" Not, fortunately, all the time, but I am chewing on the right side only, and trying to drink that way, too, as even room temperature water is very very painful on the left. (I need straws! That would help. Perhaps I will go out later after all.) I don't know what caused the problem in the first place, and I don't know what made it worse, but owie owie ow.
Yesterday at work, I was listening to the radio (via headphones) and my cube neighbor stopped in mild surprise to regard the radio itself.
Welcome to the 20th century, right?
It's not exactly an MP3 player, I know, but it works, and I think it cost about $5 at Wally World, maybe 5 years ago. Someday I'll get an Ipod or the like, and doubtless will wonder how I ever lived without it, but for now, you can't beat the price of this one.
I was wandering through a silly catalog the other day (it makes good bathroom reading), and came across something so startling, I realized I was going to have to post about it. With that in mind, I went back through the catalog and flagged things to comment on. The result?
Coming soon. Get ready.
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