He gave me enough novocaine that my eye feels funny. When I blink, my eyes are not moving in their usual synchronicity, but with the left lagging behind. I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious, but it sure feels weird.
And it looks like I had a stroke.
The temporary crown broke when he removed it to do the impression, so he had to make another one.
I'm not supposed to eat, or at least chew, until the stuff wears off. Of course this is making me hungry.
I am glad not to need a root canal. But as is so often the case, knowing that it could be worse doesn't really help my mood.
However! Even the dental blahs can not make me forget that today is someone's day.

Happy birthday, Mum!

I hope you had a satisfyingly birthday-ish day.

Talk to you tomorrow. You know, when I can talk.
Ugh. No fun at all. I hope things get better soon. And happy birthday to your mom!