Saturday, November 08, 2008

Harold's turn comes around again

So ... I have a job, the Bruins have been playing pretty well and are leading after 2 tonight, and Pan ate a few bites of food this morning. Not bad!

And not to ignore all that, but in the interest of fair and balanced blogging, it's Harold time. Behold!

Are you joking? The first photo has ... him? I shoot evil death-ray looks at you.

That's better. Do you see that dog? Where has Animal Planet been all my life?


Warmmmm, I say.

I wash my paw, and floor kitty washes his.

Have you ever seen such paws?

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Harold getting some of the spotlight :)

    I heard about the Bruins' back to back wins and thought of you. Too bad you'll be working so can't see all the night games (sorry, I couldn't resist!).
