Sunday, October 26, 2008


I'm feeling pretty down tonight. Pan had a quiet, almost listless day, and it's scared me. Even though he'll probably be back on the road to recovery tomorrow, today he threw up and slept and did anyone else see him eating today? Because I didn't.

And when he came out to the kitchen and I thought I'd tempt his appetite and I opened some wet food for him, before he even got close enough to sniff it there was a {thud} as Harold jumped down from the couch to investigate the treatage, and although I picked him up and sat down with him and tried to verbally encourage Pan to sniff, sniff, he decided he wasn't interested and wandered away. And I was so mad at Harold, and it's not his fault, he doesn't know any better, but still. Still. It just sucks, is all.

Time for bed. Take two kitties and feel better in the morning. Here's hoping.

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