Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Progress on several fronts

Remember this yarn?

I finished the first sock with it at stitch and bitch last night. We had, by the way, what was I think our largest turn-out ever, nine! Considering that in the early days it was sometimes one or two, we've come a long way.

I took a couple of nearly-finished photos beforehand. The yarn isn't really this bright; apparently it was drunk on daylight.

And finished last night (it isn't really this dim, either; hungover?). It fits fairly well. A little roomy, perhaps, but given my sad propensity for sock shrinkage, that may not be a bad thing.

Of course, now that I've said that, it won't shrink one little bit. (After all, I no sooner wrote that I hadn't whacked my blistered feet much than I did just that on Saturday. Ow, ow, ow.)

And now I must be strong and start the second one, not being seduced by New! Yarn!

Isn't it pretty, though?

You see, a local chain called Fabric Place is going out of business, as I learned on Saturday when I innocently dropped in for a notion. Everything is on sale.


I was actually pretty good, considering the high temptation level. Even an unemployed person can spare $21.50 on a very occasional basis. And for what I got, that was not much to spend. (If you're a local crafter, I'd get there soon; it's going fast.)

In job-search progress, I turned down a 2-month-long job yesterday. I'd be willing to consider short-term temp work, but two months felt wrong, like it would derail any momentum I've built for job-searching and then just when I got comfortable, I'd be back to the beginning.

I do have an interview for next week. Some progress, eh?

In cat news, on Sunday Pan threw up on the bed, poor thing. So, time for laundry*, and of course, the cats had to check out the interesting interim bedding.

*We won't discuss how I remade the bed at 8 and at 8:02, he threw up on it again. It was not my finest hour. Moving on.

(Can you see how this blanket was formerly folded, and which side was up?)

Later, I caught Harold in the dark, with the yawn-and-stretch.

I wish I understood how perfectly upright photos get flipped when I import them. It's so annoying.

Finally, furry interstices.

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