Thursday, April 11, 2024

Opting Out

My dad died in late April, and in the US at least, Father's Day is in June, which meant that in that first year, I was dumped headfirst into the massive marketing push that reminded me constantly and repeatedly of my loss. It made a hard time in my life that much worse.

Back then, I don't think any companies offered you the option to bypass specific marketing, but some of them do now, and I am here for it! 

So far, I've received two emails asking if I want to opt out of Mother's Day messaging, and I don't, but I so, so appreciate the offer.

Thank you, Sok-It! You make good products and you get this.

Thank you, Garrett Popcorn! I love your caramel crisp, and also you rock for understanding this.


  1. Interesting, I did not know that this was an option. I wish there was a blanket one for certain days; that would be nice!

    1. It would be nice! Not everyone does this, but they should.

  2. I've never seen this as an option; how wise and caring of these companies. A dear friend was widowed about 6 years ago, and I know Father's Day is HARD for her children. I can't remember what the local school has done to ease the issue over the Father's Day holiday - I think they might have prepared special things for their grandfather's those days?
    We all have dates that ache and like Kyria said, it would be wonderful to be able to apply some digital blanket over those times to make the pain less raw by avoiding marketing campaigns.

    1. The first couple of years, it was really salt in the wounds for me, not being able to face my email for weeks without yet another fathers day message. For kids it would be so hard! I hope the schools are able to help them a bit with managing that.

  3. Everyone else must be so much nicer than me because all I could think of is how annoying it is that there's ANOTHER email in my inbox. If they really cared, they just would have a regular sale, etc. without mentioning Father's Day or Mother's Day at all and then they wouldn't have to craft special emails for different groups.

    1. I agree with your theory, but in practice, a lot of companies really work hard on the mothers/fathers day timing, and it can be awful.

  4. I've never seen anything like this. Then again, I don't do a whole lot of online shopping at smaller outlets like many people do.

  5. I've never seen this, but find it thoughtful. Although we didn't celebrate it much, Valentines Day was painful for me the year after my husband died.

    1. Yes, that's another one that some people find so hard! Really, thoughtful marketing isn't that difficult to do, and is so appreciated.

  6. I really love this! Father's Day is also hard for me - well, June as a whole because my dad's birthday is in early June and then Father's Day hits. It's not fun and it would be great to not have to deal with those kinds of emails.

    1. Oh, yeah, double whammy! I'm sorry about your dad.

  7. I haven't seen any emails like this, but what a thoughtful way for a company to connect with their list.

    1. Isn't it? There are ways to annoy customers (like emailing 2 or 3 times a day, hello Gap, unsubscribe) and then there are things like this.

  8. I've seen a few of these and my instant reaction is, someone there knows. Someone's been through it. Someone gets that humanity and compassion are the most effective ways of all of reaching out to one's community, even the ones you want to sell to.
