Tuesday, April 02, 2024

And the Hunt Was Good

On the day after Easter, I completed my usual post-holiday hunt, and this is what I brought home, for half off.

  • Ghirardelli caramel bunnies (because caramel, of course). 
  • Traditional Peeps, of course--none of this flavored nonsense--and today I slit the bag open so that they could become properly stale, because that's how I like them.
  • Junior Mints Eggs, which look different but taste just like regular ones.
  • And the wild card, which Engie mentioned having tried, lemon KitKats. Surprisingly good! Not much like the regular ones, to me, but I liked them just the right amount: enough to happily finish the bag, but not so much that I'll be sad when they're gone.

I was sorry not to find Cadbury mini eggs, thought not surprised. Next year I'll buy some for full price, I guess.

Do you like Easter candy? What are your favorites? Did you try anything new this year?


  1. I would eat up all the Junior mints and Caramel but pass on the Peeps (not a marshmallow fan) and the lemon Kit Kats (prefer chocolate). My candy of choice is Whopper malted milk eggs. Thankfully, they're only around this time of year.

    1. Peeps are so polarizing, aren't they? I expect it's strictly nostalgia for me. Well, and I do like marshmallows!

  2. Cadbury mini eggs all the way! It's the only holiday candy i like and I wait ALL year for them. This year, we picked up a pack of the dark chocolate ones one day because the store was out of the regular ones. BIG MISTAKE. The dark chocolate ones were not good. At least to me. They were too sweet. Why have dark chocolate if you're just going to make it super sweet?

    1. Yes, I tried the dark ones one year and didn't like them at all! They're just wrong.

  3. I used to adore Peeps, but now the outside sugaring tastes oddly bitter to me. What happened? Is it me? Probably.

    Lemon KitKats! I need to find one and try it. I found a lemon tiramisu for Easter dessert, and it was fantastic.

    1. I'll report back on how I find them this time! I'm sure my tastes have changed over time as well.

  4. If I had a whole bag of lemon Kit Kats, I would eat them all in one sitting.

    I do not care for Peeps, but we had a long discussion about how stale you should make them for best Peep enjoyment. One SIL says 24-hours and the other says THREE DAYS. Crazy.

    1. You know, now that you say that, I have a vague memory of getting them, a year or two ago, and they wouldn't go stale! How weird. I want them to be chewy-stale, and they just wouldn't do it. We'll see if that happens with these.

  5. I'm not generally a candy person (dark chocolate aside) so it was quite funny to me to click on your page just as I was crunching into a Trader Joe's Toffee Chip. I wouldn't normally have it in the house but for the fact that I've been asked to provide chocolate for the mothers' nursing lounge at church and that has been the most-asked for item. Which means the rest of the box is in my house all week. Dangerous.

  6. Lemon Kit Kats? I've never heard of - or seen - such a thing. I'm not particularly "in" to Easter candy, but I feel like it might not be quite as "big" in Canada. Like Peeps - we can buy them, but no one seems deeply tied to them?
    In terms of candy/chocolates, my go-to's are Reese's and Lindt.

    1. I hadn't heard of them either! I figured for half off I should at least try them, and was pleasantly surprised.

  7. I'm sure we don't have those lemon Kitkats here - I looked yesterday - but they sure do seem interesting!

    1. I wasn't exactly looking for them, but once I saw them, I only dithered briefly before deciding I had to try them. I'm expanding my horizons, with sugar!

  8. I am so intrigued by these lemon kit-kats! Do they taste like sugar wafers, maybe? Well, now I want sugar wafers AND lemon kit-kats.

    Favorite Easter candy is definitely Snickers eggs!

    1. Interesting thought! I would say they aren't entirely unlike sugar wafers, but the lemon "coating" means it's strongly lemon flavored. Not in a bad way, as long as you like lemon!
