Wednesday, December 06, 2023

My Songs of the Season

A few people have recently done holiday-themed posts about things like most and least favorite songs, and I was thinking about mine. Up until last weekend, I was quickly going past the radio station playing holiday music (too soon, too soon), but then I was driving on Saturday and had to do a quick jump back to hear what is probably my total favorite, that traditional holiday favorite, Bruce Springsteen. Obviously. I love plenty of the old classics--Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, you know what I mean--singing classic carols. But they don't leap to mind as favorites individually.

(Also, can anyone tell me why, in the stack of Christmas CDs I have, there's an unopened CD of Gwen Stefani's You Make It Feel Like Christmas? Who snuck that in here? Weird.)

My Favorite Holiday Songs (no, not just Christmas):

  • Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town, the Bruce Springsteen version. A classic! It was recorded live, and when Bruce is singing the quiet part and Clarence Clemmons starts the ho-ho-ho and you can hear Bruce trying not to lose it laughing, well, I laugh every time.
  • Christmas Wrapping, by The Waitresses. So fun!
  • Hanukkah Song, by Adam Sandler. I love it! (There are a lot of versions, but there's something about the first one...)

Also fun is The Kinks doing Father Christmas and the uncredited Thurl Ravenscroft doing You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.

Then there are favorite albums:

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas, obviously. Can we even be friends if you don't love this music? I'm not even a jazz fan, but this, sigh, come on. Love it.
  • John Denver and the Muppets. There are one or two songs that I tend to skip over, but when they do the 12 Days of Christmas, and Miss Piggy starts really getting into/belting out the five gold rings, how can you not love it?
  • The Nutcracker. I have a CD of the music and it's time to pop that one in. When I was a kid, we used to go see the ballet in Boston, and I loved the music even then.

Honorable mention goes to a record I had as a kid, How Lovely Is Christmas, which is told and sung by Bing Crosby*. About 25 years ago, a coworker copied the record onto a cassette for me--gods, I feel so old just writing this--but I don't currently have a reliable tape player**, so I was delighted to find some kind person put it up on YouTube for me.

*This is probably pure nostalgia for me--if you're never heard it, I'm not suggesting you'll love it.

**I have a CD player that has a tape player, but I haven't used it in a long time--I think it has eaten tapes, so I don't trust it.


  1. Well I love Bing, so count me in. I am giggling though at your cassette tape reference. I actually am trying to get rid of a bunch of stuff and one of the things I found (AND KEPT!) is a box of cassette tapes. There are some good ones in there -- Woodstock 69 compilation, Madonna etc. but my favorites are the mixed tapes!! I nearly threw them out but then I realized that I also have a stereo that has a CD player AND a tape player, which is pure gold. Sure you can get most of it on YouTube now, but it just isn't the same as a mixed tape that you recorded but could hear all of the external noise on... good memories!

    1. I have definitely kept some! I dream of finding a reliable player one day. And mix tapes, yes! That's something you can't replace with YouTube.

  2. "All Will Be Right," by Mary Finlayson, but she's in her 90's and her website has ceased to be so I can't link to it. It's lovely. But I'm loving your list. Mixed with a ping of vicarious pride: my dad's friend Walt was the producer of that Charlie Brown Christmas special and the kids' voices were his kids. Not on the next Charlie Brown special, Walt told me once, because they'd gotten older, but on that one, yes.

  3. Charlie Brown Christmas is SO classic. I also love Bing Crosby; White Christmas is my favourite holiday movie, so I have a soft spot for hearing him croon any holiday tune.

  4. Omg I forgot about the Hanukkah song! "Santa won't be knocking at my door, 'cause he's a big fat whore." Did you know that Neil Diamond has a version of it?

    1. I was looking songs up on YouTube and then scrolling down the suggestions to see what else came up! But Neil Diamond? Truly? I'm kind of afraid to look into that.

  5. I love when obscure(ish) things get put on YouTube! It just saves me so much time and effort.

    1. Right? I feel sure that last time I looked for it, I couldn't find it, but there it is now.
