Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Deluded Deadline Bingo

Or maybe it should be Delusional Deadline Bingo? Either way, it isn't a real game, but a lot of the people at work seem to be very, very deluded about how much can get edited and ready to publish before the end of the year. December generally and this week in particular are full of it (in more ways than one, ha).

Some of them are so delusional, they think they don't even have to mention when they send something in that they want it back fast--like, this week, maybe mention that this is your dream? When you send it in for editing?

Anyway, this afternoon I found myself "aggressively," to use Nicole's word, eating ice cream to improve my mood. The funny thing is, this morning I was thinking about how I had something happy to write about! But then I started working and poof, there went the happy thoughts.

I'll try to be back to that mood and topic tomorrow.


  1. Oh man, that sounds very challenging! Good luck with your deadlines (aggressively eating ice cream definitely will help).

  2. Ha ha! Meanwhile, I'm sitting here at my job wondering what I'll be able to do with the entire afternoon with nothing on my plate. I am about to invent busywork for myself!

    Which is worse, do you think? All the things to do or nothing?

  3. I support your aggressive ice-cream-eating. Maybe make up some Christmas carols with obscene lyrics so you can sing them in your head to the people coming at you with unrealistic deadlines. They can go deck themselves with boughs of something or other

  4. Hang in there... Hugs.

  5. Ooff. Sometimes, the only thing left to do is aggressively eat something!

  6. I aggressively ate way too many Pop Corners Kettle Corn Chips yesterday (with a couple of glasses of chenin blanc--perfect accompaniment) because I was feeling put-upon by Cmas Chores. I support this philosophy.
