Monday, December 11, 2023

Firmly Ignoring the Real Issues, aka, Back to Washing Hair

I am a bit stressed (ha ha, just a bit) these days, what with:

  • Mom's health and all the to-dos and things I'm trying to get (and stay) on top of
  • The non-quiet work being done in the building (that effing circular saw for days, plus assorted drills and bangs) and non-quiet work being done across the street (they appear to be digging out their tennis courts? It involves many many vehicles beeping around, again for days)
  • And then this morning my boss's boss told him that we are "supposed to be getting" another six reports to do before the end of the year--we don't know when, we don't know how long they'll be, it's December 11th already and we have none of them

So hey, let's talk more about when to wash your hair in the shower!

I was surprised by how many of you use conditioner so often that you have to factor that into your timing and shower order. My hair is so not-dry that I rarely use it. If I don't wash my hair every day, it starts to look very greasy by the next afternoon, and conditioner can be kind of heavy on it and add to that. I wonder when/if that will change for me? I have heard plenty of people say as they got older, they definitely don't need to wash it every day, but I am not there yet.

One thing I should probably have asked is if people with longer hair feel that keeps the water from going into their face? Mine is kept short, so the water goes off the ends and right into my face. 

I am finding that washing my hair second, not even wetting my hair until after I wash my body, is cutting down on the worst of the issue. Now, did I get into the shower one day, remember not to get my hair wet, and then immediately get a handful of shampoo? Yes, I did. But so far, I haven't forgotten to wash my hair at all, so that's a win in the quest to reprogram an automatic process.

Have you ever had to change a pattern like this, something you don't even have to think about? Did the switch go smoothly? I really laughed when NGS said, "I feel like in the last six months I've been reading more and more about how I've been showering wrong all my life."


  1. I use a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner. I found a Dove one that I like, which isn't listed on their website, so it's probably discontinued. I'm going to buy as many bottles as I can hoard... I found some at Walmart, and my local grocery store has a few. Mine!!

  2. I missed the first discussion, but enjoyed reading the comments! This past summer (I think?) I read an article called "How to Take a Shower" and it mentioned that you don't have to leave your conditioner in your hair, which is a habit so deeply ingrained in me that I ALWAYS wash my hair first, so I can allow the conditioner to soak in for the rest of the shower.

    However, as I am aging, I find that I need to wash my hair less and less often. I usually wash it about once or twice a week. I have no advice about keeping the water out of your face, though. It doesn't bother me (although I know it really bugs some people a lot) so I don't think I notice!

  3. I used to have to wash my hair every day, but now I think it would all fall out if I did, and I have enough problems re: balding. My mom, on the other hand, has always had short thick hair and she washes it every day. So I guess it just depends!

  4. I used to have to wash my hair every day in my Youth. It was thick and very oily. Now, it is much thinner (Waaah) and so much drier that I go 2-3 days between washing. I might wet it just to style it so that I don't look like I've worn a helmet overnight. I only condition the ends once in a while or else my hair is too soft and flat.

    Let me know when you're ready to talk about skin because I can talk about that, too, as in how mine has completely changed and betrayed me.

  5. I do not wash my hair every day. I mean, I *should* because it is a greasy mess on Day #2, but I just throw some dry shampoo on there and call it a day. But I must condition my hair every time I wash it or it will be unmanageable. Maybe because I have shoulder-length hair? Or because it is silver (euphemism: it's grey - am An. Old.)? About once a month I deep condition, but I guess we don't need to do a complete deep dive on my hair situation.

  6. I can't imagine not using conditioner. My hair NEEDS IT. I could barely run a comb through it otherwise!! But I have long hair and it's slightly wavy so prone to being frizzy so I really need conditioner!

  7. I hadn't thought of that--but you're right, and I don't like my upper-back-length hair getting too long: except when I'm in the shower. And then I like how it helps keep my face cleared of water. I'd just never thought about it. Thanks!

  8. My mom's health isn't so great either and I'm her major support. I also have short hair and don't use conditioner. Never have!
