Thursday, April 20, 2023

What Got Me Through

We had a work meeting today--unlike some jobs, mine does not include very many meetings, and other than the monthly department one (which is aimed at the sales people and almost never has a thing to do with me doing my job), the only ones I have to do are the CEO's info meetings. These started during the pandemic, I assume because the C suite had time on their hands and decided they might as well bother the peons. They haven't been having those regularly of late, but today my luck ran out.

The meeting itself wasn't bad news, which I note because I had an unexplained feeling of doom beforehand that turned out to be unfounded. But it was the usual levels of boring and awful, and was capped by about 6 people who had to use the "Does anyone have any questions?" section at the end to prove they were there and had been listening, which is more than typical. The good news was that they didn't force us to have our cameras on, so I was able to moan and roll my eyes about it.

Meanwhile, what got me through the meeting overall?

  • Knitting
  • Chocolate
  • Medicine (specifically, headache and heartburn)

So that was fun! Suddenly, going back to edit in powerpoint didn't seem so bad. (I mean, it still sucks, but not as much as the meetings.)


  1. Meetings are the worst! Glad you got through it!

  2. HA ha ha ha, I love that. Isn't it great that Zoom is a thing now though, and you can knit and eat chocolate and moan and roll your eyes during meetings? My daughter has this thing where she flops around and makes whale noises prefatory to doing something she doesn't want to do (and no, she's not four, she's twenty), and I've tried it and it's surprisingly cathartic.

    1. If I ever have to work in an office again, I will have to really practice my poker face! I am totally rusty on not showing what I think when I hear something stupid.

  3. Sometimes knitting a good dragon is really just the thing. (Typing this after the Monday post, working backwards post-trip.)
