Monday, April 10, 2023


This weekend, I was looking at a book I got out of the library, and while I enjoyed the beginning of it, as I went on, it was less appealing to me. "That's weird," I thought, "It's right up my alley. I should love this!"

Wait. Should?

No. Life is too short. There is no "should" about reading: either you're enjoying it, or you aren't, and if not, move on.

Someone recently asked what advice you would give to your younger self, and I couldn't decide, but I think this is a good one: 

"Don't let 'should' be a factor in your decisions." 

And not just reading decisions.


  1. I've recently given myself permission to quit a book if I'm not enjoying it. That said, I just finished a book that was only okay. So I'm not doing well on my goal of DNFing books I'm not enjoying!

  2. This is SUCH a great motto: "There is no "should" about reading: either you're enjoying it, or you aren't, and if not, move on."

    I agree. If it's a book that is "meant" for you, you will come back to it later! But in the meantime, there are so many great books out there, waiting to be read!

  3. Amen.

    I had a friend highly recommend a book to me, and I tried, but about thirty pages in I was done. And wondered why on earth she liked it so.

    Took me a few years to find out her mentally ill grandfather had murder-suicided his wife, and the granddaughter I think had been trying to get into the head of such a person to understand how he could possibly have done that.

    Okay. But thanks, I'll pass.
