Thursday, April 06, 2023

Getting My Sweater Knitting On

Last week, I started a new knitting project, and yeah, I have a million projects going already, but whatever: knitting is for fun, so I do what I want when I want!

I took the yarn I got last month, and cast on the Comodo cardigan, as I had mentioned considering.

Isn't it amazing to think that this little thing becomes a sweater? If all goes well, that is.

Some of my knitting friends were teasing me that it didn't look like a sweater, but more like a shawl (this group makes a lot of tops and sweaters, and I make a lot of shawls!).
And I agreed that yeah, it kind of does, but it's funny how the size of a sweater is hard to tell from the inch at the back of your neck.

And it quickly grew.
And it grew. The purple markers denote the fronts from the sleeves from the back, and the bronze markers are for the back shaping.
My mother noted that this looks like a pie with a slice cut out of it, and she's not wrong.
As it grows, it becomes a little bunched up, as I can't fully spread it out until I put it on a longer needle.
Maggie isn't a fan of being a knitwear display ("What is that touching my fur?"), but sometimes I do it to her anyway.
I'm mean that way.

Now, here it is on a longer cord, spread out:
And yes, it does look a bit like the Millennium Falcon.

Here it is folded, so you can see the top-of-sweater-ness of it!
This is, for me at least, a lot of knitting to have gotten done in, oh, eight days. I was knitting on Zoom with friends last night and realized that my hands were a bit sore. But did that make me want to stop? No. I can't wait to see how it comes along. 


  1. Ooooh what a pretty colour! You've made great progress so far!

  2. Gorgeous color! And you got a good laugh out of me out of that Millenial Falcon reference, not to mention Maggie deigning to model it.

    I have some newly scoured, previously on the cone cash/merino hanging to dry in close to that color (solid, though, alas) and your pictures are making me want to take a hairdryer to it to speed the process up so I can get to it.

    But then, that's what knitting friends do for (to) each other.
