Thursday, May 28, 2020

Some Good String

Today was a bad work day, but the overall day has some better moments.

While I did have to be in the utterly pointless CEO-led meeting (now with karaoke!)(no, not kidding), I was able to stealthily knit throughout, which was the saving grace.
I was near the end of the red when I started, so some good progress.
Then the mail arrived, and brought me more from String Theory, which I ordered last week in her hail-sale (she's going to need a new roof, apparently).
One in X-Ray, which is wide stripes of bright colors separated by narrower black stripes.
And one in what she calls Background Radiation, but I call Bruins.
So that made the day a bit better!

1 comment:

  1. That last one looks like honeybee to me!

    LOVE that sock. LOVE.
