Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Same Two Things

I know that most of my posts recently have either been photos of Maggie, or talking about the sweater I'm knitting. Today, you get both!

Sweater first. It's coming along really well; I've gotten a lot done in a month, no wonder I have to keep stopping before I want to, to rest my hands and arms. Today I put it on a longer cord to try on, and just as I hoped it would, it fits!

Trying to get a shot of the back in the mirror: my spatial skills (or lack thereof) had a lot of trouble with the angles!
But it seem to fit well, so onward.

Meanwhile, Miss Maggie discovered the little boxes I left on the floor to see if she wanted them (I ordered cat food from Chewy, and the trays of Fancy Feast come with these over the top).

So cozy. Two paws up.

1 comment:

  1. Coming along nicely!

    Cat tails hanging straight on the outside of a box always kind of look to me like a Fibonacci sequence trying really hard to show up.
